Well, I’ve been back for a while, but the trip didn’t quite go as planned thanks to mother nature. I went through an earthquake and then saw the hurricane coming so I booked it back home without seeing my great-grandmother. It all was such a blur that I can’t even remember actually seeing much! It didn’t even kick in that I was actually there. I will attempt it again early next year.
I want to let you know what I’m working on though so the USGenWeb Project powers that be do not think I’m sitting idle. I do not want to lose my precious county again! That was a horrible, very tearful experience. I still do not know what happened! All I know is that I was working on one site while someone else was working on another. But that’s another story and it’s all better now…*wink*
So what am I doing now? I am loading photos into the new gallery, adding captions, tags and information. I will let you have a sneak peak but it is nowhere near finished.
Of course it will let you browse through and perhaps help you find that precious photo, however, there’s an alternate use. You’re about to see it!
What’s wrong? Bad neck like me? Well, ok then!
This lovely lady is only known as “Miss May Faulkner, Tulia, Texas.” She was rescued recently, or rather, her photo was rescued, by a wonderful gal named Judy ERICKSON who purchases photos and reunites them with their families as a hobby! How great is that? Due to the style of the photo (taken at an angle), she believes that it was taken in the 1890’s.
Here is the inscription on the back:
I wish that I could say with absolute certainty that I know who this is, but for now, it’s a mystery and I can only guess. From looking up “FAULKNER” in the book, “Windmilling in Swisher County, 1876-1977,” I can report that there was a Francis Marion FAULKNER (1856-1940) from Jamesport, Daviess County, Missouri who had eventually come to settle in Swisher County and was, in fact, very instrumental in the organization of the county and the town of Tulia along with his brothers Ferd, Marvin, and Siler.
(left to right) Brothers Marvin, Frances, and Siler as published on Ancestry.com by mclark66_1 of Tulsa, OK
Frances had a daughter named Matie “May” Eva (1882-1960) with his first wife, Margaret “Josie” Josephine REYNOLDS (1857-1884), whom he married in 1877. Eva married Harry Norman NANCE (1876-1953) and they ended up moving back and ultimately dying where her father originally came from; Daviess County, Missouri.
Frances’ brother Ferdinand (1859-1930) married Sudie (1862-)and they had a daughter named Hallie Mae or May (1895-1921) and was born in Tulia, TX in Swisher County. His second wife’s name was Missouri (1861-1927). Frances brother Marvin’s first name was actually Lewis (1872-1939). His wife’s name was Blanche (1872- and they appear to only have had one daughter named Marie (1894-). Frances brother Siler’s first name was Ellis (1901-1958). He married Willie Clarence Wright (1904-1991) and they appear to only have had one son, Billie Joe (1936-1961)
Since Ferdinand’s daughter Hallie Mae would have only been an infant around when this photo was taken, my conclusion so far is that it is most likely Frances’ daughter Matie. If anyone has any other information or ideas, let me know! And as always, please let me know of anything needing correction.
Are you a relative to this family? I’d like to hear from you! You can message me using the contact form in the menu bar… and be sure to tell me how you are related!
Find A Grave:
Matie “May” Eva FAULKNER NANCE (1882-1960)
Francis Marion FAULKNER (1856-1940)
Harry Norman NANCE (1876-1953)
Margaret “Josie” Josephine REYNOLDS FAULKNER (1857-1884)
Francis Marion Faulkner, Ancestry.com, Wilson Family Tree, by mclark66_1
Obituary of Matie Eva NANCE (Find A Grave)
Headstone of Matie Eva NANCE (Find A Grave)
The Book “Windmilling in Swisher County 1876-1977,” pg 281.