Category Archives: Swisher Families

Quilt Update

I have just learned that the quilt I posted about earlier this year is in the process of being donated to the Swisher County Museum. It will make a great addition!

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Robert Leonard Photo Collection Added!

Robert Leonard was an carpenter who designed and built a lot of homes and some businesses in Tulia. His daughter, Cora Leonard Speck was in Tulia’s first graduating class and became a teacher at Tulia Public Schools. Robert’s grandson, Jon … Continue reading

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1936 Friendship Quilt made in Tulia, Texas

As promised (finally), here is the information about the quilt.           This quilt was given to me by Madalyn Stanford Williams (1919 – 2001.)  The quilt was given to her mother, Mrs. M. G. (Emma) Stanford (1889- 1976) in 1936 … Continue reading

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A Bittersweet Goodbye

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Mrs Jo Nell (BOGGS) MOORE. Mrs Moore was born near Kress, Texas in Swisher County; the youngest child of Eunice (COLLINS) AND Robert Dennis Boggs. She went to school … Continue reading

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The Gallery and the Faulkners

Well, I’ve been back for a while, but the trip didn’t quite go as planned thanks to mother nature. I went through an earthquake and then saw the hurricane coming so I booked it back home without seeing my great-grandmother. … Continue reading

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